1. You can easily remove hairs from chest and abdomen with waxing. Lots of prepared wax are available in markets for hairs removal, regular use of wax on unwanted hair can prevent from growing again.

2.  Mix lemon juicesugar and water in bowl and make paste. Apply this paste on hairs for 10to 15 minutes after that wash with lukewarm water. Use of this past on unwanted hairs twice a week for few month’s can stop hair regrowth.

3.  Women use bleach for hiding unwanted hairs, but if take 1 tsp lemon juice and 1/2 tsp sugar. Mix them well and apply daily on face and hands unwanted hairs for overnight, in morning wash it. Use of this past twice weekly for 2 months can remove the hairs.

4.  Mix 1 tsp lemon juice and 4 tsp honey, apply this paste on facial hairs. Regular use of this recipe on unwanted hairs can remove them from roots.

5.  Take 1/2 cup moisturizer cream, add bean size “Vitamin A” cream in it. Apply this on hairs for over night and in morning wash thoroughly. Use of this trick for few weeks can remove hairs from roots.


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