TIP 1.

Grind some sugar and keep it in a cup. Take some grended sugar then washing face with soup and paste with it on whole face slowly. Concentrate on areas that have black heads. Repeat this steps for 4 to 5 days. You will see the difference in your face. Your face will become clean and soft.TIP2.Take a table spoon of apple juice and ¼ of table spoon of lemon juice. Mix then together and apply on face. Massage slowly for some time and then leave for 20 minutes. Wash you face with any good face wash. You will see the results.TIP 3.Take some fresh milk cream that comes on milk before boiling it. Apply it on face and massage slowly. Leave it for some time and then wash your face. It will make your skin clean, clear and shiny.TIP 4.Take some gram flour, turmeric and a bit of honey (if available). Mix these all with fresh milk and apply on face. Leave this face pack for 20 minutes and then wash your face with water. It gives superb results.TIP 5. Take some lemon juice and mix it with honey. Leave it for 5 minutes and then apply on face.


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    . Thanks for sharing!

